Why Choose Us


Living a healthy lifestyle makes a difference in the world. It's our responsibility to equip clients with the best information, conveniency, strategies and workout routine. Following a workout routine will help you live a healthier, happier, and more fit lifestyle.

Modern Equipment

Certified Personal Trainer (CPT)

Flexible Pricing


Physical exercises designed to improve strength and endurance. Properly performed strength training can improve overall health and well-being. It also provides benefits such as increased bones, muscles, tendons and ligaments strength. Example: Squats, deadlifts, bench press, pullups and much more.

Weight loss and tone

Performing compound resistance movements in circuits to burn fat and build muscle simultaneously. Use light weight and higher reps at the beginning. Going heavier and lower reps to simulate fast twitch muscle fiber to keep the body in fat burning mode after the workout is over. Example: Lunges, KB swings, Jump squats and much more.


A form of strength training which consists of a variety of movements that targets large muscle groups. Exercises performed with minimal equipment and more body weight. Example: Muscle ups, various freestyle moves such as flips, spins, handstands and much more.

Bootcamp (HIIT, HIRT)

Group physical exercises performed with high intensity. Interval training HIIT. A burst of intense activity alternated with intervals of lighter activity. High intense resistance training using equipment such as sled, fan bike, battle ropes, and jump ropes.
(Bootcamb Training available on Saturdays, March to October ONLY.)

Cardiovascular training

Exercises focusing on working the heart and the lungs. Workouts that force the body to use extra oxygen to fuel the exercise movements, also known as aerobic training or cardio, performed outdoors. Examples: Running, like sprints and jogging.

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Living Happier healthier and stronger